5 Phrases that Stop you from Getting What you Want.

Your words are a powerful tool. But they can be your biggest block when it comes to manifesting the life you want.

Estonia Cornett
4 min readJul 17, 2020
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Manifestation may seem like a trend set up by rich people trying to get richer off poor people who also want to be rich, but there is some truth to this “guru” aged self-help advice.

Manifestation is nothing but the total of what you think about yourself. It’s the underlying unconscious stories we tell ourselves. Your unconscious stories are what shape your internal dialogue. The words you say to yourself that no one else can hear. Sometimes not even you can hear these dialogues running in the back of your mind.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” CG Jung

I’ve caught myself repeating a phrase in my head that holds me back now. I’m broke. Not only does this insinuate that somehow I need to be fixed, but also it says I don’t have the money I need. This couldn’t be further from the truth! I can pay all my bills AND I have money left over for fun times.

So what am I trying to say? What I’m trying to tell the universe is I desire an abundant life that is scalable. One where I’m not trading hours of my life for dollars. But my very words thought or said, contradict this.

Here are some common phrases you use that hold you back.

I can’t *** fill in the proverbial blank

We love to talk about the things we can’t do. The money we can’t make. This is the phrase of those who like to “argue for their limitations” as Abraham Hicks puts it. You know those people who say a problem and a solution is given then they say a problem to the solution? Yea, don’t be that person because if you wanted to you probably can do most of the things you say you can’t.

I am ***

I am is a strong phrase that allows us to define ourselves. This is a magic phrase and anything that follows is amplified. If you say I am ugly or I am fat or I am broke, then the universe says yes you are. On the flip side, if you say I am worthy, I am beautiful, I am abundant, then the universe says yes you are. Whether you believe in the “Universe” or not, often the things you say about yourself is reflected in the choices you make. If you believe you’re broke you may begin to make broke people choices. It’s the cycle that just keeps giving.

That was too easy

This phrase can be highly damaging to your psyche. It insinuates that normally things are hard. It’s the mindset of life is hard and if it’s not it must be a scam. Realize that some things are only as hard as we make them.

All women/men/race/class/color/religion…/ are ***

Let’s use a sociological term here called Othering. This is where you attribute qualities to an entire group of people that are different from you in some way. Now you can say what does this have to do with words. The thing is once you’ve decided that people who are not like you all have some attribute, you hold yourself back from something beautiful. True intimate connections. If I decide that all men are dogs and will cheat on me, then the universe rises to meet my expectations. I wouldn’t even be able to see a good man for who he is because it doesn’t match what I believe about the world. The truth is everyone has a shadow side and a light side.

Your words dictate what you see in the world


When you start a phrase with the words if it sets the expectation that this may not happen. If I get a house. If my business grows. If I go to college. Try out replacing if with when. When I grow the business. When I go to college. When we close on our dream house. Not only does “when” tell the universe you’re all in, but it also sends a message to your unconscious mind and it will begin to look for ways to make things happen.

Your words have the power to shape your reality, but only because your unconscious words sway your choices. But only if you let it.

